Why Choose Tiles

Why Choose Tiles

Tiles in the bathroom and toilet in your home are a very popular choice for a number of reasons. They come in many different shapes, sizes and colors so you will be able to get the exact look and feel that you want.

They are also easy to clean if used for flooring on a floor, rather than have carpet in a room that gets wet due to bath and shower water. You will be able to simply mop up and spills rather than have difficulty getting a carpet dry which could lead to a damp smell and damage to the carpet itself. If you have them on your walls you can just wipe them over with a clean cloth. You would have to check any cleaning product that you use to see if they are safe to use as you could damage your tiles if you just spray a random cleaning product on them, so double check first.

Tiles are versatile and can be used on wall and floors. The floor tiles are generally stronger due to the amount of people walking on them on a constant basis.

Materials that tiles are made from are generally slate, porcelain, marble and ceramic. These come in all different types of finish from smooth to rugged. Some are also spun so you have a rugged affect afterwards. Although mostly waterproof, you would need to purchase a waterproofing kit for shower areas so that dampness does not get in behind the tiles.

There are a number of quality Tile shops in London to look around and get an idea of what would suit your home best. It would be best to visit one to see face to face what you would be buying rather than just look at a picture on a screen or in a catalogue.

Moo Dart

Moo Dart