The Art Of Angela Tripi

nativity scene

The Art Of Angela Tripi: The Perfect Nativity Scene

 Art is a way of communicating our thoughts. From singing to painting to plays to statues and figurines: they are ways in which man expresses his views about his inner world and how he relates to his external environment. Man communicates using art in a magnificent way that touches the hearts of other men.

  • Many artists have risen to fame because of the originality and uniqueness of their art. Some like Michael Angelo and Leonardo Da Vinci are celebrated today yet they lived many centuries before. You can change the world through art.
  • The art of Angela Tripi is a beautiful art. It brings to life the events that occurred during the life of Jesus: from the time he was born, to the time he was growing up under the care of his father and Mother (Mary and Joseph). The Angela Tripi also creates figurines of many other biblical personalities that contributed immensely to the birth of Jesus Christ; from the time of David to the time John the Baptist. It creates a perfect nativity scene.

nativity scene

  • These figurines that demonstrate nativity scenes of the birth and life of Christ (Art of Angela Tripi) are sold exclusively by HOLYART. HOLYART is an ecommerce company that deals in a wide variety of religious products. It also deals in sale of Christmas products such as baby Jesus figurines, Christmas trees, Christmas tree decorations, nativity scenes, nativity scene figurines and nativity scene accessories. For many more Christmas products visit online stores.

Let’s have a look at the Art of Angela Tripi; Figurines that bring nativity scenes to life. They make us imagine the joy that shepherds, the wise men, parents of Jesus and the animals in the manger felt when Jesus was born. These nativity scenes should not miss in your Christmas decorations shopping list this festive season. Here are the nativity scenes;

  • The first nativity scene that you should consider buying is the Wiseman getting off a camel. Wow! I remember being told this scene in the bible during the festive season in Sunday school? The Wise men had seen a shining star in the east and decided to go and welcome this great leader that had been born in Bethlehem. This nativity scene brings back all these beautiful memories to life. It is so beautiful.
  • The next nativity scene is that of the Holy Family with Mary kneeling. Baby Jesus is lying in the manger and joseph is standing behind Mary while carrying a walking stick. This picture causes you to imagine the night when the savior of the world was born; the night when Christ came to this world through a human body. He brought peace and Joy to the world.
  • Another Nativity scene that you’ll love is the nativity scene showing an angel announcing the good news of the birth of Jesus Christ to the shepherds. This is usually one my best parts when watching a movie on the birth of Jesus Christ. The shepherds get excited and set off to go and welcome the savior of the world.This is a powerful imagination.
  • There’s also another nativity scene, that of the Roman soldier with a beard. When Herod had realized that the savior of the world had been born, he became insecure because he thought the child would take his throne someday. He therefore ordered for the killing of new born babies. Roman soldiers moved from house to house looking the messiah but God saved Jesus from their trap and they escaped to Egypt.
  • Another nativity scene is that of the donkey lying peacefully next to the manger where baby Jesus has been placed. This nativity scene figurine reminds us of when Mary wanted to give birth to Jesus but all the inns were fully booked. Joseph and Mary walked from inn to inn, getting negative feedback from all the innkeepers. Some abused them; some talked warmly to them and felt their pain. The only room that was available for the savior of the world was an animal shed that sheltered donkeys, oxen and sheep. There is where Mary delivered the Prince of Peace In a humble place.

nativitiy scene christmas

  • A nativity scene figurine that’s available at HOLYART is the black wise king. He is one of the wise men who came to see the savior of the world. The three wise men are said to have seen a bright star in the east and knew that a great person had been in Israel. They travelled with presents that they would present to the king of mankind. They first met King Herod who was astonished by the news of birth of a great king. He was not aware of anything like that. He instead instructed them to inform him of where the baby was born so that he could come and see him. Yet in his mind all he wanted was to destroy this Baby Jesus who was now a threatening his kingship.
  • Another nativity scene figurine by Angela Tripi is that of a shepherd milking a goat. This figurine reminds us of the shepherds who were out in the fields at night taking care of their masters’flock. They were view in the society as the humblest. They would guide sheep to pasture and water during the day and guard them from wild animals such as hyenas and leopards during the night. Yet it is them that first received the great news of the birth of Jesus. The angel of God appeared to them while they were taking care of sheep in the fields, and told them of the good news of Christ’s birth and directed them to the manger where Jesus was lying. They left their sheep in the fields and went to welcome Baby Jesus; the one who was to save the entire world.

These nativity scenes invoke a beautiful feeling that comes when we imagine the birth of Jesus Christ. The art of Angela Tripi are truly perfect native scenes and at HOLYART, we sell them at the fairest prices around. For more details, kindly contact us; our customer care team is always on standby 24/7.

Moo Dart

Moo Dart