Different Types of Mobile Signal Boosters

Different Types of Mobile Signal Boosters

Mobile signal boosters are made up of three main elements;

  • Exterior antenna
  • Amplifier
  • Interior antenna

Together they form a wireless system that strengthens cellular reception. They take an existing signal around the area and amplify it. The signal is then rebroadcasted to the area with the weak signal. There are boosters with indoor antennas and amplifiers making them very good indoor cell phone boosters.

mobile signal boosters

Types of mobile signal boosters

Analog signal repeaters

Most of the amplifiers today are analog; they work by amplifying the mobile phone frequencies using the so called traditional technology. The amplifiers are usually sold together with an outdoor antenna cable and kit.

They are sometimes known as Bi- directional repeaters and installation is required for them to work effectively.

Bi-directional amplifiers can be used for both mobile phone and two-way use radio.

Smart signal boosters

This is the new form of wireless boosters that uses very powerful baseband processors that clean the coverage before rebroadcasting. Smart signal boosters are much more powerful than their analog counterparts. They come with 100 dB gains compared to analog which has 63- 70 dB gains.

They are a little expensive than analog boosters but features such as plug and play make it worth the price. In addition to that they have an internal antenna inside the box of the booster hence eliminating the need for an outside antenna.

In conclusion choosing a mobile signal booster depends on a number of factors. Depending on where you live whether it is the rural area or a densely populated city, the signal received will differ it is important to first understand what you need before buying a signal booster.

Other important factors to consider before investing in a mobile signal booster include;

  • Distance between the cell tower and your home or office
  • Interference from outside as effective transmission requires a clear line to the nearest cell tower. Outside interruptions such as mountains, billboards, snow thunderstorms weaken the signal.
  • Interference from the inside can also be a hindrance to good quality signal. Things such as glass thick layer of bricks and concrete, electronic devices weaken the incoming signal. You may have excellent outside coverage but the internal signal may be weak due to such interferences.

Make sure you get a signal booster that is certified and from a reputable seller to ensure you get the best of connection without hitches.

Moo Dart

Moo Dart

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